Aromatherapy to support peri-menopause and menopause

This topic is very much in the forefront right now – AT LAST! So as my own personal journey with menopause has unfolded and I have found more insight, learnings and tools to share with you. I am updating hugely a previous blog on peri-menopause and menopause from an aromatherapy and meditation toolkit point of view.
I have included more aromatherapy and general information, that I have personally found to be useful and some more blends that you may enjoy to help with this time in your life.
Now at age 59 and I have been incredibly lucky in this menopause journey, while listening to clients and friends experiences. However I must give myself credit for being fully aware and taken a great deal of preparation and care with self. Everyone is different and unique with this, as in anything. That is how I treat my clients, and myself.
My Choices
I went pescetarian in my 40’s actually because of my beliefs around animals, but also very much in preparation for menopause. My initial plans were to only eat organic meat. However, I found that I just didn’t want any meat of any kind, and did not miss it. I am now fully vegetarian since autumn 2023. My body & mind is still happy with this choice.

A healthy balanced diet is extremely important to me and I do enjoy drinking Deeside Water (so not just for using in my Aloe Vera gel, Muscle Rub and Midge & Mozzie Balm, ha ha). I seem to now need salads and green vegetables each day to keep my energies up and I eat a regular amount of seeds too, which I enjoy.
I keep my sugar intake modest. Largely avoiding cakes, biscuits sweets, but plain crisps are my downfall, but do not seem to affect my hormone balance.
A glass of wine or two at the weekend used to be very fine, but I now find that alcohol and sugar can sometimes just cause hot flushes, so I’m finding even the organic wine does not agree with me. So I replaced that with a whisky topped up with water when I feel I wish to celebrate along with friends or my partner and that in moderation appears to be ok for me.
I take the Protecta blend of vitamins, which includes the B vitamins from G & G Vitamins who are a great company. I also find that highly processed foods with additives create problems for me, but I have never really had them in my diet regularly, but I am now aware they are not supportive at all.
I have also returned in the last 14 months to regular swimming (twice a week). I need fresh air, so I do a fabulous weekly, outside (yes outside!) boot camp with Rhona of Deeside Fitness and all the ladies – in the summer Rhona is looking at going back outside with her weekly Boxercise class, which I also love. t least a walk for exercise regularly before work (even in the bad weather).
I also enjoy a walk out in the lovely countryside where I live (even in the bad weather) and play the occasional game of badminton, and yoga class too. For me personally exercise has always been a really important part of my life and I think it is incredibly helpful in this transition stage of my life.
It is not my suggestion that everyone does this amount of exercise, less or more is fine of course, but I think it is hugely empowering to have it as part of your menopause support strategy.

I love, of course, also use essential oils and my blends a lot, as a fantastic support for me, alongside short daily meditation (morning and night).
Now that is just MY chosen journey so far. Yours could be totally different and that is all absolutely fine and how it should be! I haven’t mentioned HRT, simply because I haven’t used it myself. So I cannot talk from personal experience, but I definitely work with many clients who are, or have. I have supported clients who experienced many different kinds of things in menopause and peri-menopause. Many various blends and treatments have been used to support my clients, working with each person individually.

Stress & Insomnia
These can be big issues in peri-menopause and menopause. I have experienced both and they cause a spiral downwards when they catch hold. After big personal losses over the last four years, the ongoing business stresses of this present climate, plus setting up another business in partnership with my daughter recently, both stress and insomnia have been present and affected my wellbeing and menopause symptoms hugely. However again I am lucky to have all the tools at my disposal to support myself (that includes great family and close friend support).
We can return to balance only when we are aware that it has been lost. So stopping and taking stock of what is going on in your life that is helping and what is not – is always a great exercise. I can definitely recommend journalling along with meditation to support with this too.
Aromatherapy Blends recipes

Here are a number of blends that you can try to help you with hormonal and mood balance plus alleviating anxiety, insomnia or stress in menopause or peri-menopause .
I am using low levels of essential oils, it is definitely a case of ‘less is more’ . The blends that you will reach for will change – maybe even on a daily or weekly basis and that is just perfect. Some blends that I reach for are not a traditional blend for menopause, but right now it could be calling my name! With aromatherapy use your intuition, and go with what your body needs, it will talk if you let it, I believe. You must really be drawn to the blend for the best results.
The oils I would choose for use in menopause or peri-menopause generally are:
Clary sage, rose otto, cypress, frankincense, bergamot, jasmine, rose geranium , ylang ylang and neroli
a) rose Otto 1 drop, 2 drops geranium, 3 drops bergamot

b) frankincense 2 drops, 2 drops geranium, 1 drop cypress You can use this blend in a diffuser or burner with water, or blend with a vegetable oil (around 15ml – approx. a dessert spoon) for use on the body.
Other blends that I would recommend or have used, the top two maybe more specific for hot flushes, but they also more widely helpful too.
c) Clary sage 1 drop, 3 drops geranium, 1 drop lime, 1 drop ylang ylang
d) jasmine 2 drops, 1 drop cypress, 2 drops bergamot
e) bergamot 2 drops, 1 drop lime, 2 drops geranium
To help with sleep specifically
f) 3 drops sweet orange, 1 drop geranium, 1 drop roman chamomile (or use our ready blended Restful Evening – pulse point or bath & body oil)
g) 2 drops lavender, 1 drop frankincense, 1 drop roman chamomile
How you can use these essential oils
All these can be used in a burner or diffuser with water, or blended with the vegetable oil (around 15ml) for use on the body. What I often recommend to clients and use myself a lot too is to put the oils blended in vegetable oil on your pulse points and on the upper chest area (where easily inhaled). Do this practice both during the day, if possible, and at night time before sleep.
For ease of use the ready made Roller Ball Pulse Points and the After Shower Bath & Body Oils are also great for this. The I Am So Calm Collection is ideal for peri-menopause and menopause, you can choose from
Joy – great for reducing anxiety, lifting mood (while still relaxing) and balancing hormones.
Love – for full relaxation, emotional balance and enhanced femininity.

Meditation – for stilling your overactive mind, enhancing mind, body and soul connection and slower breathing.
My go to recently has been using one of the the After Shower, Bath & Body Blends after my bath or shower. I give to myself a relaxing and caring little ritual of self nurture. Choosing which one I need by using my intuition each day and then massage one of the the blends on my body ,and go to bed relaxed and nourished with well moisturised skin. I can definitely recommend shutting off your phone entirely prior to going to bed. Allow your mind to slow down and you can enjoy a short meditation before bed to enhance your relaxation and as part of your sleep ritual.
Alternatively you can use the blends above (without further blending in vegetable oil) – on a tissue by your pillow overnight.
You can also add these blends above once blended in vegetable/carrier oil in your bath too (just be careful with slips getting in and out of the bath and wipe down your bath afterwards). I most definitely have, as I bath almost every evening before bed. Or you can simply use them as an after shower body moisturiser and gain the benefit of the blends with a calm and more balanced mind – and nourished skin too!
Be Kind to Yourself Always
I hope that you find this blog helpful for you, just go with what is in tune with you right now, and be aware that this could well change either in time, or regularly. Use your inner guidance and if you use the blends enjoy them
Be kind to yourself always, and take regular time out for you – even 10-15mins twice a day. I cannot recommend enough the synergy of these amazing oils. Use alongside meditation, mindfulness and/or silent relaxation during menopause and peri-menopause
If you have a complex medical history/medications always check with your GP before using essential oils, or ask a qualified aromatherapist