Comfrey Ointment – Top Ten Uses

jars of comfrey ointment

three sizes of comfrey ointment jars

Welcome back to Top Ten Uses! This week we’ll be straying from the usual topic of essential oils and instead focusing on our comfrey ointmentsSo here’s some helpful uses for our Comfrey Ointment.

1.  Hacks in hands and feet.
2.  Helpful for over used or tense muscles
3.  After a sprain or strain
4.  Ligament or tendon issues.
5.  To ease pain in joints, eg fingers, shoulders, knees
6.  Bed sores
7.  Minor wounds
8.  Scar tissue
9.  Eczema-prone skin
10. After fractures & breaks (supports the muscle and tissue structure around the break or fracture)

If you feel this ointment would be useful for you, you can buy it here from Organica J.

Tune in next week for another Top Ten Uses and comment below what you would like to see next!

Patchouli Essential Oil – Top Ten Uses

patchouli-top-ten-usesHappy new year to all our readers! We’re back with 2016’s first Organica J Top Ten Uses! This week will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for Patchouli essential oil. For using essential oils for specific medical problems always contact a qualified aromatherapist.

1.  Irritated or inflamed skin.
2.  May help reduce anxiety
3.  Good for fungal skin issues
4.  Suitable for a sensitive skin.
5.  Eczema-prone skin
6.  Stress reduction
7.  Rejeuvenating for mature skin

8. Can be helpful for fluid retention

9. for insect repellant and bite treatment

10. calming for an over active mind due to over thinking things

If you feel that patchouli essential oil would be a useful oil for you, you can buy it here from Organica J.  Contact us for more information if required.

Tune in next week for another oil in another Top Ten Uses and comment below what you would like to see next!

Top Ten Uses – Petitgrain Essential Oil

petitgrain-0112Welcome to another week of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! This week will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for Petitgrain essential oil.

We use Petigrain essential oil in our uplifting Joy Blend, Joy After Shower, Bath & Body Oil, Joy Pulse Point Roller Ball and our Joy soap.  All are 100% organic ingredients.

For using essential oils for specific medical problems always contact a qualified aromatherapist or consult with your GP

1.  Insomnia through loneliness.
2.  Uplift of mood
3.  Stabilising skin – especially oily
4.  Refreshing and deodorising
5.  Comforting after illness
6.  Soothes irritability
7.  Calming for digestive system
8.  It blends well with many oils, such as lavender, sweet orange, rose, geranium

9.  May be helpful for S.A.D.

10.  it has antiseptic properties

Tune in next week for another oil in another Top Ten Uses and comment below what you would like to see next!

Essential Oil Protection Against Winter Colds and Chills

aroma-pothecaryIn this article we will be looking at using essential oil by way of inhalation – in an oil burner or diffuser, or as a steam inhalation (not using on the body).

To protect ourselves from winter chills, colds and infections, there are some essential oils that I would always reach for – Lemon, Tea tree, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Bergamot & Lemongrass.

You can use these oils  individually in a burner of diffuser – or blend two or more together for a stronger synergy.  A pleasant blend, I think, to the nose, is 1 drop lemongrass, 2 drops lemon and 2 drops bergamot.  This blend is not only air cleaning, but hugely uplifting too.

A few drops are all you need to clear a room, don’t be tempted to use more, or else it will become overpowering.  A more medicinal blend would be 2 drops tea tree, 1 drop eucalyptus and 2 drops lemon.

For a completely different essential oil blend that is helpful in clearing the air, our earlier blog focused on our Spicy Heaven blend.  This  has a very festive, Christmassy smell, but the cinnamon, clove & frankincense (sweet orange is the other ingredient) can be a powerful help to banish unwanted airborne infections.

It may not be possible to use an oil burner or diffuser when at work, but you can still have an essential oil or blend on a tissue so that you can inhale when possible during the day.

Tea tree, eucalyptus & bergamot are also believed to be immunostimulants.  They are again helpful to lift your immune system when the stress of the Christmas preparations depletes it, or everyone has the cold or flu around you.

If you have a complex medical history/medications always check with your GP before using essential oils, or ask a qualified aromatherapist

(for Aromapothecary followers – part 2 of treatments for bug bites will follow in the 2016)

Spicy Heaven Essential Oil Blend – Top Ten Uses

Welcome to another week of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! This week will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for our own Spicy Heaven essential oil blend.  Excellent for this time of year.  This blend is suitable for inhalation only and not be used on skin.  For using essential oils for specific medical problems always contact a qualified aromatherapistSpicy Heaven

  1.  creates a warming feel
  2. can be helpful for digestive issues
  3. can clear the air of viruses
  4. gives a festive feel to any room
  5. calming and relaxing
  6. uplifting and a mental tonic
  7. could be useful for convalescence
  8. before lighting a fire put just a few drops on the logs
  9. add a couple of drops to cones and place in a bowl
  10. use for scenting christmas decorations – a drop or two is all you need

If you feel this would be a useful oil blend for you, you can buy it here from Organica J.

Tune in next week for another oil in another Top Ten Uses and comment below what you would like to see next!

Optimum Health This Winter with Dr Chris Fenn

It didn’t make sense at first. Busy and stressed during the week, she felt worse at the weekends – when she had time to cook and eat well! Constant headaches and tiredness dragged her down and, as a keen runneChris Fenn Nutrionistr, even a relaxing jog didn’t shift her sore head.

Her eating habits of quick sugary snacks and coffee at work meant that the headaches were due to caffeine withdrawal during the weekend. A few simple changes, and she describes her life as “joyful” now. What do you eat, and how do you feel?

I can help you to understand how YOUR eating habits are affecting your health. If you are confused about food and nutrition information, I can explain the facts behind food labels. You will make better food choices – no longer muddled by myths and misunderstandings. I contribute to corporate health programmes and have helped stressed executives and athletes improve their mental and physical performance.

My latest book “Grounds for Concern” is all about caffeine – and how it can drain your energy. See my website for more details, or send me an email to discuss your needs and book an appointment.

Email –

Phone – 013398 82487

Top Ten Uses – Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense (boswellia carteri)Welcome to another week of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! This week will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for Frankincense essential oil.

We use frankincense in our calming and soothing, Meditation Blend, Meditation After Shower, Bath & Body Oil, Mediation Pulse Point Roller Ball and our Meditation Soap.

For using essential oils for specific medical problems always contact a qualified aromatherapist or consult with your GP

1.  meditation – help to clear the mind of clutter
2.  calming and de-stressing
3.  mature skin and/or dry skin
4.  may be helpful for coughs/respiratory issues
5.  slowing down the appearance of wrinkles
6.  soothing the pain of heavy periods
7.  calms irritability & restlessness
8.  moving on – leaving the past behind.

9.  Helpful for scars and wounds

10. May be good for minor urinary issues.

Frankincense essential oil is very versatile, I hope that you really enjoy using it and benefit from its restorative properties

Tune in next week for another oil in another Top Ten Uses and comment below what you would like to see next!

Top Ten Uses – Cinnamon Essential Oil

cinnamon-top-ten-usesWelcome to another week of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! This week will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for Cinnamon essential oil. For using essential oils for specific medical problems always contact a qualified aromatherapist.

1.  extremely warming
2.  helpful in convalescence
3.  for colds/flu
4.  strong antibacterial
5.  clears the air of viruses
6.  loss of appetite
7.  gastric upsets
8.  supports the immune system

9. can restore courage

10. helpful for circulation.

Use cinnamon as an inhalation in an oil burner or disperser or on a tissue. Do not use on skin, unless you have aromatherapy training. It will be great to get you feeling all Christmasy (even if it is a bit early)!

If you feel this would be a useful oil for you, you can buy it here from Organica J.

Tune in next week for another oil in another Top Ten Uses and comment below what you would like to see next!

Top Ten Uses – Bergamot Essential Oil

bergamot-top-ten-usesWelcome to another week of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! This week will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for Bergamot essential oil (citrus bergamia).

We use bergamot in our popular Joy Blend, Joy After Shower, Bath & Body Oil, Joy Pulse Point Roller Ball and our Joy Soap.

For using essential oils for specific medical problems always contact a qualified aromatherapist or consult with your GP.

1.  uplifting
2.  calming & soothing
3.  deodorising
4.  cystitis & urinary infections
5.  antiseptic for minor wounds
6.  dispelling cold sores
7.  regulating appetite
8.  oily skin & acne

9. helpful for indigestion & flatulence

10. can be supportive when grieving

Please note:  We only use the Bergamot essential oil with no FCF in it, but in other FCF Bergamot essential oil they should not be used prior to skin exposure to the sun, wait at least 12 hours after application to the body.

Tune in next week for another oil in another Top Ten Uses and comment below what you would like to see next!

Top Ten Uses – Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil

marjoram-sweetWelcome to another week of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! This week will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for Sweet Marjoram essential oil. For using essential oils for specific medical problems always contact a qualified aromatherapist.

1.  warming & analgesic for muscular issues
2.  rheumatic pain
3.  sedative & calming nerves
4.  headaches & migraine
5.  for relief of constipation & flatulence
6.  inhalation for colds & flu
7.  ease menstrual cramps
8.  calming on excessive emotions

9.  may be helpful for high blood pressure

10.  can relieve palpitations

If you feel this would be a useful oil for you, you can buy it here from Organica J.

Tune in next week for another oil in another Top Ten Uses and comment below what you would like to see next!