Aromatherapy for Loss and Grief

I wrote a blog post two years ago, about aromatherapy for loss and grief, but because of what I personally have been through along with most everyone else in the UK and indeed the world this year, it was time to rewrite it and revisit this important topic. Aromatherapy is an extremely gentle, but powerful tool when loss and grief is present.


Transcending Mental Toxicity with Mind Detox

I would like to introduce you to Sandy C Newbigging’s latest bestselling book, which is just amazing and can be entirely life-changing. Here is Sandy giving you a little taster of what is inside his new book: –

Where is my baby? Is there something wrong? My tired Mum asked. “You said you’d bring him back for feeding hours ago, but nobody’s brought him.” This is the conversation that my mum had with a nurse, hours after giving birth to me, and this was my welcome to the world. Being taken from my mum to spend hours alone without care and food. It didn’t matter that it was an innocent oversight by the hospital staff. I didn’t know that then. My upset feelings came from my perhaps natural, yet misinformed perceptions, which were fuelled by what I thoughthad happened. 

Without knowing the reality of the situation, I continued on with my life unaware of the event ever happening, along with the toxic belief that had been unconsciously created that day. Subsequently, I had no idea the event and belief had been screwing with my life, from behind the scenes, for years. It wasn’t until I used the Mind Detox method (over three decades later) that the ramifications of being left alone after my birth were finally revealed and resolved.


I’ve since learnedthat even if we begin life with no spoken words, we are able to feel what’s going on from before our first breath. Later in life, we learn to use words to convey how we feel – but feelings are fuelling the formation of our beliefs from the getgo. As most of our beliefs are created before our teenage years, during a period in our life when we have little life experience, they are often misinformed and downright wrong. 

Meaning that even the earliest of events can impact our entire life – unless we proactively discover our misinformed beliefs and update them. This is what the Mind Detox method is essentially for, and why it has positively impacted thousands of lives. We have all had difficult events happen to us, and as a consequence, formed a few unhelpful beliefs that are working against us being the healthiest, happiest and most successful versions of our self. 


MindDetox finds and fixes the mind-based causes of physical, emotional and life problems. If something negative is happening in your body or your life and you don’t know why, then this method can help. You can get peace with the past and,in doing so, update any misinformed beliefs that have been messing with your physical wellness, mental positivity and life success. You can discover that when you change your mind, by choosing to perceive your past, present and future in a new light, the body can heal and life improve, quickly. 

As the name suggests, Mind Detox is a tool for letting goof anything toxic that is preventing you from being at your best. I believe we are born with brilliance built in, but if we are holding onto unresolved stuff from the past, it is harder to engage our natural states of inner peace and immense potential. Whether it is hurt, rejection, anger, resentment, guilt, grief, fear or sadness, for example, you can let go and be clear of it all, to the point that your past no longer limits you, or causes you upset, stress or suffering. 


Peace with the past is possible. I know this from successfully Mind Detoxing hundreds of people, many of whom with rather extreme events and experiences needing resolved. How we perceive past events determines whether we endure problems or experience peace. Are we looking through a mental lens that is clouded by toxic assumptions, beliefs or attitudes? If so, we lack pure perception. 

These three elements distort our remembering of things that have happened in our past and justify a reactive resistance towards what we thinkhappened. The combination of impure perception and reactive resistance creates chronic stress, negative emotions, problematic behavioural patterns and,in some cases, illhealth. In short, if there is an absence of peace with the past, then we can be sure there is also an absence of pure perception. 

Our perceptions are pure when we see the entirety of reality, as it actually is, rather than seeing a falsified edited version of reality, based upon our assumptions, beliefs and attitudes. 

Return to Reality for Resolution 

Being at peace with the past requires us to return to the truth of reality, where resolution is waiting for us. Until we do this, our life is usually defined and determined by a series of fictitious fantasies, imagined by our mind, which are only a relative reality (similar to a dream or convincing story). It is the stories that we make up and tell ourselves about life – distorted by our impure perceptions – that hurt and hinder us over time. When we uncover the truth of reality, we automatically and immediately find the hidden treasures of forgiveness, wisdom, understanding and acceptance. 

If truth and the prize of peace is what we want, we must be willing to question our assumptions and challenge our beliefs stemming from what we thinkhappened. We need to instead see what reallywent on. Mind Detox involves the answering of a series of questions that help us to discover the truth of any given situation and,in doing so, find resolution in the recognition of reality. Here are three introductory questions to ask now to get started:

  • Are my facts about what happened actually fictions?
  • Is the realproblem my perceptions of the past? 
  • Do I want to be right or do I want to be at peace?

The simple act of questioning your assumptions can crack open an inner door through which peace becomes more possible. Little can be done to improve things if you are adamant that the past happened how you currently believe it did. However, if you are open to perceiving your past with fresh eyes and from a more empowered perspective, then the complete 5-Step Mind Detox method can work wonders. 


Sandy C. Newbigging is the best-selling author of several books and creator of globally-used Calmology techniques. His new book ‘MIND DETOX: Discover and Resolve the Root Causes of Chronic Conditions and Persistent Problems’is out now.