Geranium Essential Oil – Top Ten Uses

Welcome to Organica J’s Top Ten Uses for geranium essential oil (pelargonium graveolens).

I have used it SO much in aromatherapy and I also have it as an ingredient in many of the products I make. These include Restful Evening, Gardeners Hand Balm, Geranium and Rose soap, I am So Calm – Joy and others. You can see that I really love geranium oil and its many properties.

Here are some here:

1.  it can help regulate the nervous system, and dispel stress and tension
2.  balancing on mood, relaxing and uplifting.
3.  pmt and menopause, wonderfully balancing for hormones
4.  it is regulating on sebum in the skin
5.  can be helpful for eczema & psoriasis
6.  for bruising, as it is astringent and can help with minor wounds
7.  helpful for fluid retention, as it has a stimulating effect on the lymphatic system.
8.  eases frustration and irritability

9 it has deodorant properties

10 can help speed up healing on minor wounds

Where geranium comes from

The geranium that I offer and use in my products is pelargonium graveolens (Latin name) and I prefer to use the rose variety of geranium. That is not a geranium that has rose in it, but rather it is the name given to the best quality (I believe) of geranium. The geranium essential oil is obtained from the leaves of the plant. It is obtained by steam distillation and can vary in colour, but usually green colour.

The plant itself can grow up to 1 metre high and has hairy leaves and is a perennial. Over the years I have fallen in love with the Egyptian rose geranium, I just think it is way above the others in terms of fragrance and quality. Other places of origin include Algeria, Morocco and Bulgaria . Even within one variety there is such a difference in the oil that it productes coming from different countries of the world.

Uses of geranium since ancient times

Geranium essential oil was used by the Greeks and the Romans. Geranium was brought from South Africa to Europe in the 17th century and was highly prized in the perfume industry. It blends incredibly well with a wide range of oils including, frankincense (one of my favourite combinations), also bergamot, roman chamomile, sweet orange and rose otto. It always creates a great synergy when blended.

If you feel that geranium essential oil would be a useful oil for you,  buy it here from Organica J.  There is also available a range of other essential oils, with information on their uses, available in the essential oil category on the website.  Always use on the body blended with a carrier/vegetable oil.

If you require further information on any oils, feel free to contact us by email or phone.

NB if you have a medical condition/take medications check with your GP and/or a qualified aromatherapist before using essential oils.

Frankincense essential oil, a real calming influence.

Welcome to another of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses. Here we will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for Frankincense essential oil.

We use frankincense essential oil as an ingredient in our I am Calm Collection Meditation Blend which is available in an essential oil blend, after shower, bath and body oil, a pulse point roller ball and a nourishing soap. All these products are ideal for ultimate relaxation and as a meditation tool.

Frankincense is also in our Orange and Frankincense Blend. this blend is wonderful to create a calming atmosphere all year around, but optimum around the festive time, the perfect antidote for taking the stress out of the Christmas frenetic energy.

Working as a clinical aromatherapist and skincare creator, frankincense is one of my most used essential oils, I love it! and I find it so gently powerful.  Helping with clearing the mind when over stressed or anxious and with moving forward in life.  It is an ideal choice for meditation.  I just couldn’t do without frankincense oil – I take it with me anytime I am away from home!   Here are what I think are its top ten uses.


Sweet Orange Top Ten Uses

Welcome. In this article we are focusing on the ten helpful uses for Sweet Orange essential oil.   

When I was working as a clinical aromatherapist, I used it a lot for its sunny, relaxing, gentle but powerful action.  It is good for using with vulnerable folk, such as the young or elderly because of these properties. 

I used it very regularly when I was finishing my degree, I worked one day a month at a local residential home for the elderly. Sweet Orange was a very popular choice there among the residents and staff alike.

Sweet Orange has been a favourite oil since I qualified. It is a component of my Love Soap, Love After Shower, Bath & Body Oil and Pulse Point and Essential Oil Blend.  Sweet Orange is also in my Orange & Frankincense Soap,  Essential Oil Blend, the Gentle Shampoo Bar. The reflexology college that I worked with developing the Reflexology Foot Balm requested Sweet Orange as an ingredient.

Here are my opinions on its top ten uses.

1.  Useful to calm restlessness and for mild depression
2.  Can be regenerative for skin, also for acne or irritated skin

3.   Helpful for the elderly and the young to soothe
4.   May be helpful to settle the digestive system

5.   Useful for cellulite and lymph stimulation
6.   Can be good for anxiety and stress
7.   May be helpful to ease IBS symptoms

8.  Good as an uplift in the darker, colder months

9.  Useful for insomnia.

10.  On a subtle level can be helpful for new challenges and ease self-doubt

The organic sweet orange essential oil that I have in stock right now is Citrus Sinensis.  The sweet orange tree is a small tree and it was introduced to Europe by the Portugese early in the 16th century.  Sweet orange oil is expressed from the ripe peel of the fruit and is orange.  The scent is citrus and very sweet.    My current supplies are from Mexico.

If you feel that Sweet Orange essential oil would be a useful oil for you, you can buy it here from Organica J.

There is also available a full range of other aromatherapy essential oils, with information on their uses available in the essential oil category on the website.  Always use on the body blended with a carrier/vegetable oil.

If you require further information on any oils, feel free to contact us by email or phone.

NB if you have a medical condition/take medications check with your GP and/or a qualified aromatherapist before using essential oils.

Festive Spicy Heaven Top Ten Uses

Spicy Heaven

Welcome to another of our Top Ten Uses!

This month we are focusing on an essential oil blend and being the end of November, this month it just has to be one of our festive blends – although Spicy Heaven is not just for Christmas! Many customers (including myself) just love this blend, all year round. Bringing together Clove, Cinnamon, Frankincense and Sweet Orange, in a great synergy, to create this gorgeous blend. You cannot mention them all together, without hearing Santa’s sleigh!!

You can also enjoy our Orange and Frankincense essential oil blend, which is brings a gentler festive feel.  

Here are the top ten uses for this essential oil blend.

  1.  a scent that creates a warming feel
  2. can be helpful for digestive issues
  3. can clear the air of airborne unwanted bugs
  4. creates an instant festive feel
  5. calming and relaxing
  6. uplifting and a mental tonic
  7. could be useful for convalescence
  8. before lighting a open fire put just a few drops on the logs to give that awesome scent to your room
  9. add a couple of drops to cones and place in a bowl when you have not an open fire
  10. use for scenting christmas tree decorations – a drop or two is all you need, amazing on your real tree

Please note though that Spicy Heaven essential oil blend is suitable for inhalation only and must not be used on skin.

To bring that festive spicy heaven feel to your home, you can buy it here online now.

For using essential oils for specific medical problems always contact a qualified aromatherapist

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil – Top Ten Uses

Welcome to another of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! This month I will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for Ylang Ylang essential oil (cananga odorata). 

As a clinical aromatherapist, I have used ylang ylang in a lot of treatments! I also have ylang ylang as an important component of my ‘Love’ blend, The name means ‘flower of flowers’, which gives you a clue to its fragrance. It is used a lot in perfumes. As it such a ‘heady’ fragrance, you only need to use a little to have the effect that you require – less is more with this oil.

It has always been traditionally known as an aphrodisiac, which. will be because of its hugely calming, relaxing properties, but pigeon holing this oil is a mistake, it has so many applications. It is simply a fantastic addition to a blend. My favourite mix – in my ‘Love’ Blend is sweet orange, ylang ylang, patchouli and jasmine. These oils just have a fabulous synergy together.

Here are my opinion of the top ten uses of beautiful ylang ylang

1.  Softens and balances moisture in the skin
2.  May help to reduce high blood pressure
3.  Calming for anxiety and shock.
4.  Stabilising when you are feeling emotions of anger or rage
5.  Gently, but powerfully uplifting
6.  Can be useful for sexual issues that arise from anxiety.
7.  Can be helpful for moderating menstrual mood swings
8.  It blends well with many oils, such as clary sage, lavender, neroli, frankincense and rose geranium.

9.  Can be very helpful to aid relaxation and so sleep.

10.  it is a reputed aphrodisiac, perfect to use in a sensual blend.

The ylang ylang essential oil that I have in stock is from Madagascar. There are four or five distillation grades of Ylang ylang, these are premier, extra, first, second and third. I like to use the ‘complete’ ylang ylang, which is a blend of ylang ylang extra and grade 1 and 2. Which allows it to be more economic and accessible, but I feel, with no real compromise to the quality of the oil.

Ylang ylang has a powerful floral and sweet fragrance

The tropical tree is mainly found in Indonesia and Madagascar and flowers all year around in these climates. It is a light yellowish colour liquid.

If you wish to use this oil on skin always blend in a carrier oil, as a rough guide 1 drop of blend to 5ml of carrier oil

If you feel this would be a useful oil for you, you can buy organic Ylang Ylang Essential Oil from Organica J.

For using essential oils for specific or complex medical problems always contact a qualified aromatherapist or check with your GP.

Petitgrain Essential Oil – Top Ten Uses

Welcome to another of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! This month I will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for Petitgrain essential oil (citrus uranium var. amara). 

When working as a clinical aromatherapist, I love using petitgrain. It has been known in the aromatherapy circles as a ‘poor mans neroli’ as it is less expensive than its sister oil neroli (from the blossom of the orange tree).

But in my opinion, it very much has its own special place in aromatherapy. It is beautiful and so uplifting and comforting. I have a friend, and colleague in Aromatherapy, that loves to wear it as.a perfume.

Here are my opinion of the top ten uses of lovely Petitgrain

1.  Insomnia especially if that is through loneliness and or emotional upset.
2.  Uplift of mood
3.  Stabilising skin – a tonic effect especially oily
4.  Refreshing and deodorising
5.  Comforting after illness and upset of modd
6.  Soothes irritability and frustration
7.  Calming for digestive system
8.  It blends well with many oils, such as lavender, sweet orange, rose, geranium to create a great synergy

9.  May be helpful for S.A.D.

10.  it has antiseptic properties

The petitgrain I have in stock right now is from Paraguay . The petitgrain essential oil has a gorgeous fresh, floral scent with a woody tone. It is produced from the leaves of the bitter orange tree.

The tree is native to China and India, but is cultivated in temperate climates, such as France, Paraquay, Italy and Spain. Petitgrain is an evergreen tree. It is steam distilled. Petitgrain essential oil is a pale yellow or light amber coloured liquid.

If you wish to use this oil on skin always blend in a carrier oil, as a rough guide 1 drop of blend to 5ml of carrier oil

If you feel this would be a useful oil for you, you can buy from Organic Petitgrain Essential Oil from NHR Oils.

For using essential oils for specific or complex medical problems always contact a qualified aromatherapist or check with your GP.