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Frankincense (boswellia neglecta) 10ml

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Product Details

Frankincense can alleviate anxiety and stress. It may be wound healing and an immunostimulant.

May be helpful for respiratory conditions. Can be excellent for dry, mature skin conditions and scars.

On a subtle level - frankincense is an oil that is often used to aid meditation, it can aid connection to the present moment and your inner self. I would use it in aromatherapy for those who wish to put the past behind them and move forward with increased positivity.

It blends well with rose geranium, lavender, sweet orange and many other oils

This frankincense variety often referred to as Black Frankincense because of the black exudate collected from the tree, although the distilled essential oil does not have the colour, but is a light coloured, smooth oil.

We use frankincense essential oil in our Luxury I am Calm Collection - Meditation Aromatherapy After Shower, Bath & Body Oil and Meditation Aromatherapy Pulse Point Roller Ball, nourishing Meditation Soap. Frankincense is also in our Meditation essential oil blend, perfect for your diffuser, and skin pleasing Orange & Frankincense Soap

Country of origin - Kenya


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