by Jacqui Christie | Sep 12, 2019 | Aromapothecary
Welcome to another of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! Here I focus on 10 helpful uses for Sandalwood. This is an oil I use a lot in therapy and I have it in my Meditation Blend. I use an Australian Sandalwood (santalum spicatum), not the Indian Sandalwood, for ethical reasons. But its properties are very similar, I have always found it a incredible asset in my essential oil kit.
by Jacqui Christie | Aug 24, 2017 | Essential Oil Top Ten Uses

Welcome to another of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! This month we will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for Roman Chamomile essential oil. Its one of the oils that we use in our Aromatherapy Bath & Body Oil Restful Evening which is ready blended for use on the body or in the bath/shower. Working as a clinical aromatherapist, I often reach for Roman Chamomile to use in my therapeutic treatments with clients. Here are what I think are its top ten uses.