Orange & Frankincense Blend – Top Ten Uses

Welcome to another of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! This month will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for my Orange and Frankincense Blend.  This blend is incredibly popular at the run up to Christmas, but it properties and benefits go way beyond being just a Christmassy scent. When working as a clinical aromatherapist I often blend these two oils together, as they have such a great synergy. Below you will find some of the uses I have for the blend.


Grapefruit Essential Oil – Top Ten Uses

Welcome to another of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! This month we will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for Grapefruit essential oil.   Working as a clinical aromatherapist, I use a lot for its anti-depressant and uplifting properties, but also I use it for the treatment/management of cellulite in blends as well.
It is a very ‘happy’ and ‘bright’ oil in my opinion and really helpful to use in the darker days.   Here are what I think are its top ten uses.
Grapefruit Essential OilFor using essential oils for specific conditions always contact a qualified aromatherapist.

1.  Useful for stress and mild depression
2.  Helpful for oily skin and acne

3.   Can be helpful for cellulite
4.   Is uplifiting & enlivening
5.   Can be good to be used after exercise
6.   A tonic on the skin
7.   May be helpful with S.A.D condition

8.  May be helpful for fluid retention

9.  It can work as a detoxifier

10.  It may be helpful to stimulate hair growth

The organic grapefruit essential oil that I hold in stock right now is Citrus Grandis.  Grapefruit is a large tree with big fruit.  Grapefruit oil is expressed from the peel of the fruit and is yellow to yellow-green or pale orange yellow.  The scent is citrus and sweet.    My current supplies are from USA

There is also available a full range of other aromatherapy essential oils, with information on their uses available in the essential oil category on the website.  Always use on the body blended with a carrier/vegetable oil.

If you require further information on any oils, feel free to contact us by email or phone.

NB if you have a medical condition/take medications check with your GP and/or a qualified aromatherapist before using essential oils.

Mandarin Essential Oil – Top Ten Uses

Essential oil, mandarin, organic

Red Mandarin pure essential oil

Welcome to another of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! This month we will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for Mandarin essential oil.  Its one of the oils that we use in our Sweet Orange Heaven Blend and in a new product that I will launch later this year.   Working as a clinical aromatherapist, I use it often in my therapeutic treatments with clients and these are the top ten uses that I would reach for Mandarin oil for.

For using essential oils for specific conditions always contact a qualified aromatherapist. (more…)

Top Ten Uses – Bergamot Essential Oil

bergamot-top-ten-usesWelcome to another week of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! This week will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for Bergamot essential oil (citrus bergamia).

We use bergamot in our popular Joy Blend, Joy After Shower, Bath & Body Oil, Joy Pulse Point Roller Ball and our Joy Soap.

For using essential oils for specific medical problems always contact a qualified aromatherapist or consult with your GP.

1.  uplifting
2.  calming & soothing
3.  deodorising
4.  cystitis & urinary infections
5.  antiseptic for minor wounds
6.  dispelling cold sores
7.  regulating appetite
8.  oily skin & acne

9. helpful for indigestion & flatulence

10. can be supportive when grieving

Please note:  We only use the Bergamot essential oil with no FCF in it, but in other FCF Bergamot essential oil they should not be used prior to skin exposure to the sun, wait at least 12 hours after application to the body.

Tune in next week for another oil in another Top Ten Uses and comment below what you would like to see next!

Top Ten Uses – Mandarin Essential Oil

mandarin-essential-oil-orginicaj-0909Welcome to another week of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! This week will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for Mandarin essential oil.   We use red mandarin essential oil in our gentle shampoo bar as gentle oil suitable for most everyone.

For using essential oils for specific medical problems always contact a qualified aromatherapist or your GP.

1.  gentle for all ages
2.  tummy upsets in children
3.  soothing for the over stimulated
4.  stretch mark prevention
5.  oily skin & acne
6.  calming for the digestive system
7.  tonic for the liver
8.  connection with your inner child

9.  Excellent for aiding relaxation

10. Relieves flatulence

Tune in next week for another oil in another Top Ten Uses and comment below what you would like to see next!