essential oil thyme

Thyme pure essential oil

Welcome to another of Organica J’s Top Ten Uses! This month we will be focusing on 10 helpful uses for Thyme essential oil.  Its one of the oils that we are using in our Midges & Mozzie Balm, but you will find it also has many more valuable properties.  As well as being helpful for you when the bugs are about.   Working as a clinical aromatherapist, I use it a lot in my therapeutic treatments with clients and these are the top ten uses that I would reach for Thyme oil for.  For using essential oils for specific conditions always contact a qualified aromatherapist.

1.  Helpful for digestive issues
2.  Good for colds & coughs

3.   Useful for sore throats & mouth infections
4.   Can help with urinary infections
5.   Can give a boost to the immune system
6.   Good for aiding convalescence
7.   Can have antiseptic properties

8.  May be helpful for rheumatic conditions

9.  Can be useful for improving memory

10.  May offer a boost to moral

Thyme’s latin name is thymus vulgaris and is distilled by steam using the leaves and flowering tops. Our thyme oil comes from Spain and it is chemotype linalool.   It has a herby, slightly medicinal scent in my opinion.

There is also available a full range of other aromatherapy essential oils, with information on their uses available in the essential oil category on the website.

If you require further information on any oils, feel free to contact us by email or phone.

NB if you have a medical condition/take medications check with your GP and/or a qualified aromatherapist before using essential oils.